Helping Animals In Need

    What To Consider Before Adopting A Puggle

    [fa icon="calendar"] Mar 4, 2016 7:09:55 PM / by Devon Chester

    Devon Chester

    My last few blogs have focused on bring attention to stories of animal cruelty.  More importantly what cities, towns and animal shelters are doing to either help or put an end to the mistreatment of animals.

    I wanted to switch things up and take a moment to focus on a happier topic, pet adoption!  Have you been thinking about adopting a dog or cat?  A few questions to ask yourself to determine you are ready for a pet:  How should I prepare?  How much will it cost to raise a pet?   These are excellent questions, and it’s important to know this isn’t a decision to take lightly.  Pets are wonderful companions but we can’t forget they need a commitment from their owners to make sure everyone in the household is happy and health.  Cats and dogs have different requirements, so for today’s blog I am going to focus on dogs.  With that said, dogs require a varying amount of upkeep depending on age and size.  Since I have personal experience, I am going to use Maggie (my 20lb puggle) as the motivation for my examples below.  Below I will break out what it would cost and ideally what to consider before adopting a puggle.  

    I have broken out some expected costs when bring home this adorable puppy/ dog, as well as what you can expect on a monthly and annual basis moving forward.  The puppy years can be some of the most expensive, so I have called these our specifically.  Remember if you adopt an older dog, these puppy costs will not apply.

    What to consider before adopting a puggle


    Start-up Costs (puppy):

    (All costs below are estimates, and will vary based on veterinarian.)

    Vet appointment (8 weeks) = $240

    Vet appointment (12 weeks) = $275

    Vet appointment (16 weeks) =$310

    (Puppy appointments require a series of vaccinations, flea and heart worm prevention. All of which is included in the estimates above.)

    Spay/ neutering = $200- $600 (depending on clinic, procedure, medication)

    Trainer = $200- $315 (6 week programs)


    Minimum Monthly Costs:

    (all costs are approximations; costs will vary based on the age and weight of the dog.)

    Dog walker = $400 (average cost $20 per walk)

    Food = $15- $30 (depending on brand)

    Toys and Treats = $5- $10 (I’ll admit there are months where Maggie gets spoiled and these estimates are low…)

    Medication (heart worm/ fleas) = $14


     Annuals Costs:

    Annual check-up = approximately $200- $400

    (includes: blood work, check for worms and vaccinations. Cost will differ per clinic and based on the vaccinations needed in that calendar year.)

    Additional Supplies:

    (These cost will vary by owner.)

    • Crate
    • Collar
    • Leash
    • Dog bed
    • Shampoo/ grooming
    • Food/ water bowls
    • Insurance
    • Dental care/ cleaning
    • Boarding (when necessary)


    I hope this is helpful reference material as you finalize your decision to add a dog or puppy to your family.  From my personal experience it’s worth every penny!  There is nothing like coming home from a hard day at work, to the greeting of an excited dog.  They really do instantly become man’s best friend.

    For more helpful tips and questions to consider before adopting, please download my adoption tip sheet.

    Download Our Check List:  Questions To Ask Before Adopting A Pet


    Is your decision made! Visit our Local Heroes page to see the pets currently available at Northeast Animal Shelter.

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