Since Oprah shed light on the horror behind puppy mills in a 2008 episode, I have hoped someone would take a stand against these operations. I have wondered, what if anything, are people trying to do to put an end to the sale of puppy mill puppies in MA? I was happy to read in a recent article that a Boston politician is taking a stand.
Link to Oprah Episode: Oprah Puppy Mill Episode
Jamaica Plain' City Councilor Matt O'Malley will announce a new city ordinance, "the puppy mill bill." If this bill becomes a law it will create a city ordinance for preventing shipping animals to Massachusetts from puppy mills.
“I am proud to introduce this ordinance that will not only protect animals, but seeks to prevent financial and emotional costs to the city and its residents, and demonstrate that it is important for Boston to foster a more humane environment in the city,” said O’Malley through a press release.
It’s an important moment to see a city like Boston, rich with history and some of the world’s best and brightest, doing our part to try and eradicate puppy mills. Of course this is just this beginning of what needs to be a nationwide effort, but it’s a start.
Thank you Matt O'Malley for helping those who are unable to help themselves.
Link to additional info about the puppy mill bill: O'Malley's Puppy Mill Bill
Remember there are plenty of local dogs and cats in need of adoption. If you have made the decision to add a four legged member to your family, please contact your local pet rescue facility. This month we are recognizing the Northeast Animal Shelter. The Northeast Animal Shelter has been in business for 40 years, and is happy to report adopting over 125,000 animals in that time. Their work continues and we ask that you visit their website to see the many friendly faces in need of a home.